School News

BHR instructor Mr. Deady and his wife loan RV to Stoughton Firefighter

photo of Kelli Jardin, David Jardin, Chris Deady, and Sue Deady standing in front of Chris Deady's RV
Mr. Deady's RV on the day they delivered it to the Jardins. Left to right: Kelli Jardin, David Jardin, Chris Deady and Sue Deady.
The recreational vehicle owned by Chris Deady and his wife, Sue, has taken them and their three boys camping to scenic locales all over the Northeast. But their 2018 thirty-four-foot Coachman Travel Trailer has just made its most important journey of all – to the home of a Stoughton firefighter/paramedic who might need it to isolate himself from his family just in case he is exposed to the coronavirus. Chris, who is the lead teacher in the Graphic Communications program at Blue Hills Regional Technical…

BHR graduate Vincent Burton is a Randolph Police Officer

photo of Officer Vincent Burton
BHR graduate Vincent Burton, Class of 2013, is now a Randolph Police Officer
When Vincent Burton was a student at Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton years ago, everyone could see that he was remarkable. Quiet and dignified, he excelled at his studies and as a football player, but this gentlemanly young man’s uniqueness did not end there. He had obvious leadership potential, as well as an abundance of character and maturity that his teachers and peers respected. At 6’ 4” and 250 pounds, he was uncommonly impressive in stature and demeanor. “I remember Vince as…

BHR staff members make face makes and face shields

photo of Electronics instructor Ms. Bearse showing a face shield
Electronics instructor Ms. Bearse makes face masks and face shields
On March 21, Blue Hills Regional Technical School donated a significant quantity of personal protection equipment (PPE) and other vital supplies that were not being used while the school is not in session. Those items went to local hospitals and first responders who are on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some Blue Hills Regional employees are taking that same spirit of generosity and desire to help even further. Guidance Counselor Sarah Titus, Lead Electronics Instructor Manuel Cerqueira…

Remote Learning Plan - Spring 2020

Dear Blue Hills Students, Families and Staff: As you are aware, Governor Baker announced on March 25, that schools remain closed until May 4. This extended closure has prompted us to implement a longer term remote learning plan. This is pertinent to vocational and academic growth and development of Blue Hills students. At Blue Hills, our first concern is always the health and safety of all our students and staff. Due to our 1:1 Chromebook implementation several years ago, we are very lucky to be…